Lecture@Braubeviale Forum Raw Materials by BREUN

Breeding Malting-Quality Barley for Climate Change. Example Lexy

26.11.2024, 10:15 AM to 10:45 AM

Dr. Ernest Loop

Hall 1 | Stand 1-150 | Forum Raw materials

The 2024 BrauBeviale Forum raw materials is devoting eight hours to the most recent developments in brewing raw materials, with a special focus on the threats posed by climate change to the cultivation of hops and malting-quality barley. The program will be entirely in English and will be moderated by Horst Dornbusch and Elva Ellen Kowald, both of Cerevisia Communications LLC, Williamsburg, USA.

Abstract of the Talk of Ernest Loop:
The cultivation of barley for all uses, including for beer, is unevenly distributed around the globe, with only seven countries supplying more than half the global demand. These barley cultivation hotspots, however, are now affected by climate change, and one of the most effective mitigating strategies is to breed, grow, and process new, climate-hardy varieties. Dr. Ernst Loop of Saatzucht Breun, will talk about the recent release of Lexy as an example of such a variety.

Link to the Event @Braubeviale

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