Breun Malting Barley News

27. January 2024

News for USA (Leandra) and Ireland (Gretchen, Florence)

USA: We are proud to announce that LEANDRA has been included in the AMBA Recommended List 2024. This is the first BREUN spring barley variety to be included since Scarlett. The American Malting Barley Association (AMBA) Board of Directors annually develops a list of Recommended Malting Barley Varieties for US growers for the upcoming crop year to provide US growers with guidance on what varieties the industry may be contracting or purchasing in the coming year.

AMBA description " BC LEANDRA is a two-row spring malting variety developed by Breun Seed GmbH & Co. It has excellent yield potential with shorter overall height and good straw strength while maintaining low protein. It is marketed by Breun as a Flexi-Malt ® variety, which suggests it can be successful in the field and malthouse with less water, a characteristic anecdotally experienced by early growers.”
Distributed in the USA by Limagrain Cereal Seeds.

Ireland: BREUN varieties GRETCHEN and FLORENCE are on the Recommended List 2024
“FLORENCE (provisionally recommended) - A very high yielding, moderately early maturing variety. Good resistance to lodging and moderately resistant to straw breakdown. Very good resistance to mildew. Good resistance to Rhynchosporium and net blotch. Moderately susceptible to brown rust.”
Distribution via Seed Technology Ltd.

“GRETCHEN: A very high yielding, moderately early maturing variety. Good resistance to lodging and moderate resistance to straw breakdown. Very good resistance to mildew and net blotch. Good resistance to Rhynchosporium. Moderately resistant to brown rust.”
Distribution via Goldcrop Ltd.

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