
Breun Seed GmbH & Co. KG develops and distributes the BREUN malting barley, winter wheat and winter barley varieties. Our goal is to fulfil the various industry demands an to take care of our customers - seed companies, maltsters, millers and brewers – all over the world.
Saatzucht Josef Breun GmbH & Co. KG is a family owned plant breeding company founded in 1906. It combines innovation and tradition, passion and breeding excellence with profound expertise in malting barley. The company headquarter is located in Northern Bavaria near Nuremberg the home of excellent beers and craft brewing tradition.


“Reduces Carbon Footprint” - A new era has started with Flexi-Malt® brewing barley varieties which can reduce 10 -20 % of the energy costs in the malthouse.


„Less is more“ - Sustainability is part of the Breun DNA - we are driven by saving as many resources as possible for the future generations. To achieve our goals, we develop...

Winter Wheat

Breun Seed distributes winter wheat varieties of Saatzucht Breun. Due to its difficult soil conditions Herzogenaurach is a very selective breeding station for winter wheat. All selected varieties are therefore characterized by an outstanding adaptability to different environmental conditions. This, and the large genetic diversity of the breeding material has created market-leading varieties, e.g. JB ASANO, JB DIEGO, ELLVIS. Actual Breun is successful with INFORMER in different European Countries.

Winter Barley

Breun Seed sales winter barley varieties of Saatzucht Breun, which is breeding two- and six-row winter barley. In the past Saatzucht Breun has been very successful with two-row malting types like REGINA and VANESSA. Today Saatzucht Breun prioritises the breeding of two- and six-rowed types for the German and European market, e.g. VALERIE (2row) and WINNIE (6row).

Spring Barley

Saatzucht Breun has been successfully breeding legendary spring barley varieties like ALEXIS, SCARLETT or BARKE in the past. Nowadays Breun Seed distributes varieties of Saatzucht Breun and a new era has started with the breeding of innovative Flexi-Malt® malting barley varieties - AVALON, LEANDRA, LEXY- showing a reduction of Carbon Footprint. New alternative brewing barley types like LEANDRA, FATIMA and ELLINOR provide higher yields and a better utilization of winter moisture in dry regions with mild winters when sown in in November/December.